Simon Osterlehner

Hey! I'm a computer science student from Munich, Germany and I love creating useful apps and websites. Take a look at my latest projects below.

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Digital medical history and documents for medical practices. GDPR-compliant recording of patient information already before the appointment.

URL Shortener

URL Shortener

Thanks to the free URL shortener, a long URL becomes a short one. Whether on your Android phone or in the browser:



Research project: iOS keyboard that analyzes typing behavior to detect cognitive impairment.

Waiting for your tasks to finish? Just do something more important and be notified when you need to check back on your terminal.

Sold - May 2023


Easily keep track of all your regular expenses on your phone and never again pay for a subscription you no longer need.

COVID-19 Statistics
No further development

COVID-19 Statistics

The current figures of the coronavirus pandemic neatly presented.

GyKi App
No further development

GyKi App

The representation plan, timetable and events of the Gymnasium Kirchheim are now available as an Android app directly on your phone.
Discontinued - 2021

Keep track of all your key metrics directly inside one dashboard, or get them regularly into your inbox.

Discontinued - 2019


A blog with tutorials and code snippets for programmers. With Android, PHP and more.

Made with ❤️ in Munich

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